Monday, November 21, 2011

Cream Cheese Filled Cupcakes

Cream Cheese Filled Cupcakes

I love-love-love the cupcake craze. Everyone these days makes cupcakes, and I love looking at photos of the imaginative treats my friends have created. It is so fun to bake and eat cupcakes, so I decided to give it a try. The only thing I cannot figure out is a great frosting recipe, so if you have one, please share! If you are worried about making cupcakes, a word of advice: it doesn't matter if you're good or bad at making cupcakes, as long as you have a little bit of fun in the process!

As a side note, I would like to put a link to my cousin's blog: Lauren's Blog Check it out to see some beautiful, creative, and imaginative cupcakes!

I have heard that boxed cake mixes are just as good as home-made cake recipes, so I always use boxed cake mixes when making cupcakes. Once I pull them out of the oven, I cut out the middles and fill them with my Cream Cheese Filling. Once filled, I top them, and then frost them! See my photos below on how to fill a cupcake.

 Step 1:
Angle your knife and cut a cone from the top of the cupcake

Step 2:
Cut the point off the cone so the top is a flat disk

Step 3:
Fill each cupcake with your favorite filling
Step 4:
Place the disk back onto the top of the cupcake, then frost the top.

The end result:

1 comment:

  1. I love cream cheese filled anything...or...the filling and a spoon.
